Microsoft Toolkit 2.4.3유용한 IT 2013. 6. 10. 14:41
Microsoft Toolkit 2.4.3
Microsoft Toolkit For Office 2010/2013 and Windows 8 Activator Key - a set of tools to manage the licensing and activation of Microsoft Office and Windows.All output from these functions is displayed in the Information Console. All functions are run in the background and the GUI is disabled to prevent running multiple functions, as they could conflict or cause damage if run concurrently.
The Microsoft Office Setup Customization Functions (Customize Setup Tab), AutoKMS Uninstaller (if AutoKMS is installed),AutoRearm Uninstaller (if AutoRearm is installed), Office Uninstaller and Product Key Checker work even if Microsoft Office or Windows is not installed/supported.
Changes in 2.4.3 :
• All KMS PID Settings default to RandomKMSPID due to KMS PID blacklisting.
• Disable all KMS Server Service settings if it is not installed.
• Fixed AutoKMS Scheduled Task paths breaking if you installed or removed Custom Task after rerunning the program.
• Using new program icon.
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